Zip Zap Zop

Zip, Zap, Zop

This simple, active warm-up exercise encourages quick thinking and laughter as it can become ridiculous, but still manages to stay in a safe space.

The basic principle is simple:

Everyone stands in a circle. The facilitator starts the round by saying Zip, clapping their hands and pointing to the another person who then has to take a turn.

The next person then must say Zap (as it comes after Zip in Zip, Zap or Zop - after Zop comes Zip again), clap their hands and point to another person to pass the turn to them (they can also select the person that passed to them if they wish).

The turns then continue until a person gets their Zip/Zap/Zop out of sequence, forgets to clap their hands or forgets to point. they then have to step back from the circle.

Continue as long as desired.

You can add some variations if you like