Scrum Master

Teaching. mentoring and coaching, a good scrum master will work directly with your development teams helping them on their journey to good agile practices and making sure they have the opportunity to become highly motivated, high performing development teams.

The Scrum Master will help the teams and organisation be open with their information.

Creating a safe space for everyone is vital to exposing areas that are problematic - enabling solutions to be tried and encouraging eveyone to continually make improvements. Celebrate your victories, but never be satisfied with the status quo.

The Scrum Master will protect the development teams from outside interferrence, making sure everyone is playing by the same rules. SCRUM was created so that organisations could develop high quality software at a good pace. Whilst the organisation is transitioning, a Scrum Master plays the vital role of ensuring that the rules are followed and everyone understands why they exist. In this way, everyone is brought onboard to the benefits that come with this way of developing software.